Anna University Chennai openings vacancy for Business Liaison Officer Job Post. The eligibility for this job opening is the candidates having MBA after UG or PG in Engineering or Technology or Medicine or Pharma or Science. First Class & Regular in UG, PG, and MBA. Anna-university. Should apply via postal to Anna University. The working place of the job is Chennai The link for advertisement and how to apply Tamil Nadu Anna University Latest Jobs is given at the bottom of this page. Here we have given some main details about Anna University job openings.

Anna University Recruitment 2019

Anna University Recruitment 2019

About Anna University:

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Organization Name: Anna University

Qualification: MBA after UG or PG in Engineering or Technology or Medicine or Pharma or Science. First Class & Regular in UG, PG, and MBA

Job Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Last Date: 15/05/2019

Name of the Post: Business Liaison Officer Job Posts

Apply Mode: Apply Via Postal

Postal Address:

Coordinator Anna University,

Kalanjiyam Building,

2 nd Floor, Opposite to Mining engineering,

CEG Campus, Anna University, Chennai – 600 025.
Anna University Recruitment 2019
Selection Method: Interview

Official Notification Link>>>Click Here

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